Icon der Studierendenvertretung Bamberg

University Elections

June 11—18, 2024

Vote now!
June 10th: Election Fair (starting at 4 pm) and Panel Discussion (starting at 6 pm) at the Feki campus

You will vote for these bodies.

Drei Personen sitzen auf dem Boden und reden.

The Student Council
(2 votes)

  • represents you at your faculty
  • has a say in hiring professors, changing degree programmes and funding
  • organises several events and supports you when problems or questions arise
Eine Person steht am Redner:innenpult.

The Student Parliament
(17 votes)

  • political groups that are oftentimes close to certain parties are elected directly
  • Student Council members and the senators are also part of the Student Parliament
  • members propose resolutions which are then debated
  • resolutions address certain issues and are directed to the University Executive Board, the student union and other committees
Zwei römische Senator:innen winken.

The Senate
(2 votes)

  • student senators are the students' highest representatives
  • elect, among other things, the (vice) presidents
  • are part of the creation and cancellation of degree programmes
  • decide on the university's constitution

These are the candidates.

Click on a logo to learn more about the respective nominees.

The Student Councils

Every Student Council has its own list. You may only vote for your own faculty's Student Council.

Political Groups in the Student Parliament

The Bamberg Green-Left Student Initiative (BAGLS, greens), the Juso university group (Jusos, social-democrats) and the Christian Democratic Students' Association (RCDS, Christian democrats) compete for parliament seats this year.

The Senate Lists

The “Bunte Linke Liste” (lit. “Colourful Left List”) is a merger of the Juso university group (Jusos), the Bamberg Green-Left Student Initiative (BAGLS), the Socialist-Democratic Student Association (SDS) and the AStA list. Representatives of the Christian Democratic Students' Association (RCDS) and the Liberal University Group (LHG) are running on the „Liste freier demokratischer Studierender” (lit. “List of Free Democratic Students”).

See all candidates

Those who want to know more …

… wll find all the details on the Student Representation's structure on the respective website. Over there, we describe all relevant committees step by step and illustrate how they are connected.

Structural overview of the Student Representation

This has been accomplished so far.

Our blog, our podcast, and our Instagram account provide a comprehensive overview of the many campaigns, resolutions, complaints and initiatives of the past year. You are also welcome to contact us, we can be found at various university locations throughout the election period.

Here you can inform yourself personally.

And now it's your turn.

Cast your ballot!